Sunday, January 10, 2016


Can some explain to me why everyone swears in poems.
Because I never saw that clause in the contract that you signed with expressive language.
But until you can show me where it is, just please stop. 
Kids spit the "f" word around here like 12.7mm bullets coming out of a machine gun at 100 rounds a minute
but if you didn't know that word is also referred to as a bomb, 

and we only dropped ONE of those on Hiroshima.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

I Remember

I remember when I used to say my study habits would change when I hit high school.

I remember thinking that I'd be a professional soccer player and if I practiced everyday I would become one no matter what.

I remember when I didn't know if God was real.

I remember when I used to let my anger get the best of me.

I remember bleeding a lot, and turning everyone around me into a murderer.

I remember when my mission was 10, then 5, then 2, then less than 1 year away.

I remember I could wear things that didn't match, cause it didn't matter what people thought.

I remember when Nacho Libre first came out, and it was awesome.

I remember when vacation was just a thing and not a blessing.

I remember when my mom would wash my clothes and make me sandwiches after school.

I remember when my problems were so small they didn't even qualify as 1st world.

I remember my childhood being amazing, but honestly I like my life better now, because I choose

what the future holds each day.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Stalin Youth

My 3 favorite posts from "Stalin Youth"

The last melon 

Roses are red, violets are blue, I  built this house for you and me. 6 days a week with blistered hands, making walls that would always withstand. 

Roses are red, violets are blue, I caught you cheating on me for another dude. My heart was broken and torn in half, our house broke apart a little to fast  

Roses are red, violets are blue, this brick is red because of you.  You said you loved me, but that was a  lie, I grabbed this brick cause you must die.

Broken Dreams

Why windows always holding us back, like a bully, taunting and teasing us saying you can look but you cant touch. on the other side of that window are your dreams that you have always thought you could never reach. and as your watching them, they start to fade off behind you. There are those of us who see our dreams but cant roll down the window so they give up and say ''Ill try again next time''. Then there are those of us who see our dreams and break the glass and jump out of the car. because they know that sacrifices are worth the risk of getting hurt, because we dont get that many chances to succeed at what we want the most. We all get the same amount of time in a day, but what you do with it will make or break who you become.

Hold My Hand

This is to the ones who need a holding hand, a hand that will interlock with theirs and forever it will stand, and every time you touch them the hairs on the back of your neck will stand straight up, from the spark of electricity created from your love.  And that electricity causes a lightning storm in the beautiful night sky, and gives you another excuse just to hold that beautiful girl tight. 
   That helping hand is waiting for you and that person needs one too. You might think you know love, but you actually haven't a clue.   Love is a roller coaster of feelings that is run on sheer will power and the power of knowing that when you think you have nobody, that somebody will always be their for you giving you a hand, pulling you up from whatever trench you are stuck in or pit you were left in. And that person will hold your hand with with a grip so tight you never want to let go and he will show you and he will let you know that you're the one for him. because when you cause lightning in sky then he's a very special guy.
   One day you will get that spark and you will hold that hand and when you look into each other's eyes it will cause a wind, it will cause a wind so powerful it will lift you off the ground. And for that one moment you will be levitating, like a Harry Potter spell. And both of you will be under the one spell that none other could fake it, one so powerful that nothing could break it, and an earthquake won't shake it, a spell that the baker can't bake it, and the the morning sun can't wake it.

   Love. The essence of living, the reason we do the things we do, the reason we go out and plant our roots and sprout our branches,  because like a tree, we will live and we will grow, we all have our seasons and one day we will know that our lives will come to an end and every end started with a beginning and in that beginning we all started living,  started living a life that nobody has ever lived before, and now there is no need to say any more, 
take my hand and let's go explore the world.

Monday, November 30, 2015


My name is Chuch NIchols
I am half brown
I am a procrastinator 
I am determined 
I am somewhat popular according to Nelsons scale.

Happy Thanksgiving

Sunday, November 15, 2015

HeartTalk "Surfing"


What's up man! How you doing up there in that wrinkly tired brain of yours? I just thought I'd write you something quick because I'm about to explode from all the unnecessary stress you've been putting on me. If you throw down any more I may have a heart attack and that wouldn't be good one bit. You got to stop overthinking man. 

You just gotta be chill and go with the flow of things cause thats the only way you can take this world on. Just surf the sea of things around you, don't try to cut hard or you'll catch edge and if you do... Get back up and paddle on big man. You got this, just be calm, be strong, be loyal and everything will work out in the end.


Your Heart

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Blue Ticket: "Moonless Nights"

You Mr. Moon are my protector. Beams of your light are always shining in my darkest nights, leading me, guiding me, and holding my hand ever so tightly so I don't wander through the trees. I love when you carry me through splintered paths, but sometimes I want my feet to get cracked and bloody. Believe it or not, but sometimes I want a "moonless night". One where I can't see and fear drives into my chest like a full dagger. You need to understand that I have to be stabbed in order to feel happiness. I cannot know one without the other. SO LEAVE MR. MOON! Get out of here! And let me bleed from the dry heels of my feet. Let the gashes become infected only so that I can cleanse them later. My arms are wide and my chest is open. Knock the wind out of me a couple times so I know that kiss of air. Break my ribs and tear my skin from the belly button up so I know my untarnished body. I will always be fascinated by scarlet juice. Always. If I fall too low, please take my hand and hold it ever so tightly. Ever so tightly.